My take on the #AEW and fans announcement:

Several entities in Florida have done similar things so far (Daytona just had fans with masking hardly enforced, Orlando City is about to allow fans with mandatory masking). It's all going to come down to enforcement.
The Florida theme parks have been open with mandatory masks and distancing. While there have been individual cases pop up, there have not been any widespread outbreaks traced to them. Disney has been all over people with enforcing mask wearing and it's been largely pretty safe.
Ultimately, we're talking 825 fans in an open-air venue for #AEW.

IF mask enforcement is air-tight, and people are distanced, this can be done.

Is it worth it? That's a whole other question. We'll see.
This is what I said about the report of #AEW experimenting with bringing in people from outside. If this is being done responsibly with enforcement, it can work. But if it's relaxed and mask enforcement is weak, jumped the gun. Hope everyone stay safe.
You can follow @JonAlba.
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