1. Scientists show that dust can spread a respiratory virus: study of Influenza virus in guinea pigs shows these animals disperse lots of dust particles by just moving around and the virus can hitch a ride on dust, travel to another cage, and cause new infections...
2.Researchers also showed when tissue paper w/influenza on it is crumpled, the virus can travel on aerosols and retain ability to infect cells. So airborne influenza doesn't have to be directly emitted from respiratory tract; it can spread through air on aerosolized fomites..
3. This may be applicable to COVID-19. Air sampling in China hospitals have detected evidence of SARS-CoV-2 in rooms where health care workers removed PPE, suggesting virus was being aerosolized from contaminated clothing as it was removed. Full article: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-020-17888-w
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