Teach Like a Champion advocates for the policing and 'correction' of non-standard spoken grammar. It's a punitive and discriminatory language policy, which contributes to the marginalisation of stigmatised speakers and their repertoires.
It operates under the benevolent social justice guise of giving speakers of non-standard grammar 'access' and 'opportunity'. But it perpetuates the deeply-embedded and discriminatory myth that there is a 'correct' way of using language.
The type of language policing strategies it outlines serve to shut down conversations, make non-standard speakers feel like they don't have a place in classroom talk and that their ideas aren't worth listening to.
In terms of classroom language, sociolinguistics and linguistic identity, I cannot think of a book to avoid more than TLAC if you 'want to create classrooms and schools where everyone enjoys a calm, dignified, and safe learning environment'.
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