Another fan of the boys in metal sent me this - Revolut’s overview of their culture - and it’s got more red flags than a Maoist May Day parade. Let's take a look... 

They’re at pains to remind you how much they love detail. And italics. They ❤️ italics.
People who have caring responsibilities, lives, hobbies, disabilities or other reasons why they can’t or won’t work all hours are losers.
Keeping people worried they may get fired at any time is great for morale!
They love sports metaphors. You can almost smell the Lynx body spray on this one.
This stuff could not be more off-putting to women if it tried. And you're left wondering if they were genuinely trying to make this as un-inclusive as possible.
"Execution Machines" 🤮
When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time — Maya Angelou
(Above quote from Glassdoor, of no surprise whatsoever after reading that Culture page)
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