Hold up.

WeBuildTheWall raised $25 million from GoFundMe, and built 4 miles of wall at a cost of more than $50 million. And that extra $25+ million was paid for by... the contractor, Tommy Fisher, out of his own pocket.
Who is Tommy Fisher, this generous benefactor of WeBuildTheWall?

He's the guy that was awarded $1.4 billion in government contracts, after President Trump personally and "aggressively" pushed for DHS and the US Army Corps to award those contracts to him. https://www.washingtonpost.com/immigration/he-always-brings-them-up-trump-tries-to-steer-border-wall-deal-to-north-dakota-firm/2019/05/23/92d3858c-7b30-11e9-8bb7-0fc796cf2ec0_story.html
After the US Army Corps initially rejected Tommy Fisher's bid for a wall contract, Trump summoned Pentagon officials to the White House to tell them they needed to hire Fisher's company.
Trump declared a national emergency to reprogram billions of dollars to the wall and then repeatedly intervened in the contracting process to ensure $1.7 BILLION, so far, be awarded to the company that gave $25+ million to Trump's ex-campaign manager to help him commit a crime.
The literal BEST CASE SCENARIO here is Trump circumvented the gov contracting process to award $1.7B to an unqualified company because he was so snookered by Fisher after seeing him on Fox that he genuinely believed the guy's grift.

All other scenarios are even more criminal.
And from the WeBuildTheWall side, it's impossible to imagine that Fisher gave $25+ million to an organization helmed by Steve Bannon, Kris Kobach, & Erik Prince, and never once was it suggested that they use their influence with Trump to recommend Fisher for the wall contracts.
Yet the indictment has no mention of Fisher; no mention of his $25M+ donation to keep the whole scheme afloat; and no mention of any lobbying activities by any of the conspirators.

I wonder — what would the Bannon indictment have looked like, if Barr hadn't intervened in SDNY?
Because the President personally directing the award of $1.7B in U.S. taxpayer dollars to an unqualified and uncompetitive contractor who had given $25M+ to keep afloat a criminal scheme run by the President's trusted advisers is a much bigger deal than Bannon's petty ass grift.
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