Genotype wahala, relationships and marriage .

A thread !
For those who may not know . There is something called genotype . It simply is the make up of the proteins in your blood . There are at least five types . We have AA, AS , SS , SC, AC . Everyone has a genotype .
If you are AA , you can marry anybody . You have nothing to fear as your genotype is compatible with the other variants .

However , if your genotype is not AA but any of the other variants you may not be able to do so . This because of the risk to your kids .
There is a disease called sickle cell Disease or anaemia . This is found in those with either SS or SC genotype . The symptoms of this disease are majorly what is called “Bone crises “ characterized by severe body pains .
Sickle cell Disease is likely in about 25% of pregnancies involving couples with AS genotype . This means that there is a one in four chance that a pregnancy would result in the birth of a sickle cell baby .
Now how should a believer who is in love respond to issues like this ? Should a believer go with faith believing God that all will be well ? What is wisdom in this case ? Can God change genotype ? ofcourse yes !
My advise in cases like this is simple . Let wisdom reign . If you are believing God for a change in the genotype so you can marry please do so but don’t marry until there is clear proof that there is a change !
The truth is that it is not wise to go into a marriage where there is big question mark about the probable health of your kids . Marriage has lots of challenges , it is not wise to head into one with your eyes wide opened . Some battles are better avoided .
Many times in the heat of love and affection we may think that we may not find love if we lose the person we aren’t genotypically compatible with but that’s not true . God is wisdom and always is several steps ahead of you . He doesn’t make mistakes !
There is faith and there is wisdom . Apply wisdom in things that require wisdom so that you don’t need to apply faith to withstand the challenges .
Let me tell you my story . I am AS and grew up in a family where we had the sickle cell Disease challenge . I lost a beloved sister to the disease . Yet while dating a fell in love time and time again to ladies who where AS . Though it was painful I had to walk away .
Walking away led me to my darling @_tolaniolaleye and I now understand that some times God leaves signs in the natural showing us who is in his plans for us and who is not . When it comes to marriage there are things you cannot be sentimental about .
Walk in wisdom .

Understand that at times you may be with someone who seems perfect whom you have to let go because you understand that they are not perfect for you in all ramifications.

Wisdom will save you from pain . Choose it .

End .
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