This incredible figure I saw in a genetics class in college solidified my interest in population genetics. It shows that using a clustering technique (PCA) you can capture the ethnicity of the Europeans so perfectly it matches a map! But...
#ABigConversation #BlackInGeneticsWeek
While genetics may be able to link related individuals or people of the same ethnic group, it has no place in conversations about race.

Race is a social construct, not a biological one. Period.
These algorithms use a patient's race as a stand in for genetic differences, adjusting the measure if the patient is identified as Black.

But if Black folks have 1/3 European DNA, how do you know whether their DNA is African or European at the relevant site of the genome? 🤔
There are so many of these convos in biomedical science that we just never have: The historical atrocities committed against POC, The history of white supremacy & eugenics in the field, The lack of diversity in who is included in genetics studies today
I hope, especially for people still in school, that you'll demand an anti-racist genetics education.

Genetics, as a field has blood on its hands.

The quickness, even today, to dismiss the effects of racism as biological deficiencies of POC is terrifying.

It stops with us.
(Re: the first tweet, I hope it’s clear that genetics can tell us a lot—it can pinpoint where in the world ppl look most similar to you genetically, but it is no more real than the borders between European countries are. It’s all a spectrum and a social construct)
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