Fashion and the Hermetic Tradition, a Thread
1. The Universe is Mental.
Fashion, not in the department-store-easy-wearing sense, but in the high fashion, designer sense, is not material. You will not find "fashion" in nature. It is a construct of the mind. Yet, even though it is created mentally, it exists physically.
This mirrors our universe, Heaven itself, as these were created from nothing, a mental construction made physical. Just as the universe was once nothing that suddenly became something, so too was all fashion once purely mental, yet equally physical.
2. As Above, So Below.
The principle of correspondence says that, so it is on earth, so it is in heaven. As I am within, so I am without. High fashion is a physical manifestation of the mind of the artist, as well as a correspondence between the clothes and the wearer.
"You are what you wear" in this sense, means if you vibrate on a higher spiritual plane, your physical appearance will represent this, and your fashion sense is an extension of your physicality.
3. Everything Moves, Nothing Rests.
All things in the universe are constantly in motion, all atoms are in a state of vibration, some just vibrate more than others. Fashion, as a mental construct made physical, is in motion. It's not static, it changes. As the world
coagulates and dissolves in a constant cycle, fashion, too, follows this pattern. It evolves, complexes, simplifies, grows and decays. It is in constant flux, and for this reason the highest fashion, the fashion with the greatest vibrational energy changes rapidly, never settles.
4. All Things are Dual, Opposites are Reconciled.
It would be a mistake to say only high fashion is of importance, because everything is dual, and all opposites, or opposing poles, are the same, only to varying degrees. We can look, then, at the trends of high fashion
And see the same trends mirrored in "low fashion" or "fast fashion". Do not disregard the fashion you might consider to be opposite of high fashion, because it is one and the same. Disregard the middle ground, where concessions are made and true identity is lost.
5. Everything Flows, Everything has Tides.
The pendulum swing effects all, including fashion. The time fashion spends progressing is equal to the time it regresses, and back again. The pendulum never stops swinging, the tides never cease to pull in and out.
Fashion moves, it creates, it destroys. The pendulum swings left than right, but it always returns again. This is seen often in fashion we may call "deconstructive" which attempts to break it down to it's essential components, but it always returns again to a constructive form.
6. Every Effect has a Cause, ever Cause an Effect.
Nothing happens by chance, everything is caused by something else, this includes fashion. Fashion is nearly always a reaction to society, or politics, or trends. It's never spontaneous or accidental, it always happens on purpose.
Higher planes dominate lower planes, the mental dominates the physical. Fashion represents this, as the artist creates a new piece in the mind, which alters materials in the physical to make it real. This cannot happen in reverse! Mind dominates Material. This is Fashion.
7. Everything has Gender, All things have Masculine and Feminine Principles.
As all things have gendered principles, they tend to vary in degree. Things that vibrate on a lower vibration will have greater visible dichotomy in gender, as they favor one principle or the other.
Things that vibrate on a higher level tend to be less visibly polarised in Gender. This is why, in both fashion and fashion models, androgyny tends to be the standard, as high Fashion has a higher vibration, and the poles become less polarized. Fashion is Masculine and Feminine!
This probably should have been a blog post, due to twitters awful character limit, but oh well. Maybe someday! This will have to do for now.
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