Why saddle up to chivalrously defend the honor of media companies? They're not going to award you good boy points if you manage to unhorse people on the point of morality; no matter how much you define yourself by slightly mediocre RPGs. https://twitter.com/size16s/status/1295219303558545409
I don't think i'm going to attempt to rationalize whether or not piracy for preservationism or any other reason is immoral or not; and I think that's already more thought given to it that 99% of other people.
At practical, rational level, it's an availability issue, that's all there is to it.
All I do know is, this guy is getting ratioed into a crater.
I think when it comes to metaphors used to demonstrate the morality of internet piracy, it normally centres around whether or not you'd steal from a brick and mortar store. Most people would answer no. Would you steal a priceless book from a burning library though?
Fundamentally whether you consider it right or wrong is kind of irrelevant, because people will weigh the consequences against their own self-interest either way. Sometimes that self-interest depends on social or personal values.
If you care about art: that book is getting saved.
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