It’s 7 am on the west coast and I’ve already had 2 ludicrous conversations with job seekers. This is NOT an attack (pipe down Amy haters) but more an example of the crap recruiters see every day - THREAD 1/11
Open LinkedIn. Review all the tags of people complaining in comments about something or other I said. Deep breath. It’s not personal. 2/11
Open messages. Number of unread- infinity. Start at the top. First message scolds me for posting that I want to help job seekers but left him on read. Heavy sigh. 3/11
Read previous messages (that I’m sure I’ve never seen before). Stranger asked me for a referral to a company I don’t work for and roles I don’t recruit for. By not replying, I am inexplicably the asshole. 4/11
Respond with “sorry not my industry/field/company PLEASE ENJOY all the free job seeker content” I spent my precious free time churning out. 😳 5/11
Next message “what kind of jobs are you recruiting for?” Me, thinking I should probably update my LinkedIn bio, but also suspicious no one reads it anyway- still, I reply. 6/11
Job seeker - that’s not me but I could do all these other (COMPLETELY UNRELATED) jobs. What do you have for me?? 7/11
Me - “best thing to do is please keep an eye on our careers page! All our open roles are advertised there. I provide lots of advice on strengthening your resume as well as networking with people in your industry” 8/11
Job seeker - “can you send me a link? Also it would be great if you could refer me to (title) roles” 9/11
Me - 10/11
Welcome to morning coffee with Amy. We’ll do this again, every day, forever. 11/11
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