Before you consider going fulltime streaming please think of this. Let's say your expenses are = 1500 a month and you can make on average 2k a month (which IMO is a lot for a streamer who isn't already fulltime)
2k a month is definitely a lot but is it enough for you to go full time? Think of the future. That means you'll have 500 each month left over.
You slowly build up and get a savings of another 2k, then something happens an emergency now you're back at square 1, you lived the 4 months doing what you love but financially haven't progressed forward.
I'm not saying don't chase your passion, do it definitely, but be smart about it. Don't be blinded with "it's enough". Content Creating is a long haul. You need to think about where your business is going in the future instead of JUST the small terms.
Don't plan just 3 months in advance. You really wanna become a content creator, plan years. build a plan, make sure financially you can support your passion. Be smart about how you work and how you grow your business.
This is all my personal opinion also and I'm, not trying to deter people from it. On the opposite, I support those who follow their dreams and become independent, but I see so many good people fall into the same pattern over and over again.
Do well the first 3 months thinking this will last, then 6 months later their back to their old job and I rarely seem them on Twitch anymore. It's a very bright trap that drags people down and I'm not saying people who plan are the only successful one
Of course not, let's get over it. Nothing anyone says on the internet is 100%. There will always be some different cases, different opinion etc. But there is some sense is planning ahead and being realistic about it.
Anyway, that's my 1.5 cents on the matter. Definitely 100% take risks, follow your dream, and passion but make sure you know what you're doing or at least have a small understanding of what you're getting yourself into.
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