Go ahead and ask me if I’m shocked Sloppy Steve Bannon just got indicted for being a primary player in a massive fraud scheme to bilk MAGA donors out of hundreds of thousands of dollars. https://twitter.com/SDNYnews/status/1296438759198687232?s=20
Answer coming in an hour.
A lot of problems are cleared up if people just research the person they are about to give their money to.

Kolfage had a spotted past. He ran several sites promising to raise $$$ for veterans programs where the $ somehow never made to the hospitals.
I'm now going to talk about the DIRTY ROTTEN SECRET of Conservative Inc., by which I don't just mean the Never Trump wing. I also mean people like Bannon and Kolfage.
There is a "gentleman's agreement" that YOU DO NOT CALL OUT GRIFTERS.

Since we're all on the SAME SIDE & our cause is SO IMPORTANT, when you see or stumble over evidence of a prominent Conservative running a scam?

You go along to get along. You pretend you didn't see that or know about it.

Now, we **all** see it clearly when people on the LEFT do this for each other.

I don't mean to shock you or anything, but hell yes this happens over here on our side too.
Bannon was tossed ass-first out of the White House by Trump for several reasons. I would not be surprised if Trump learned that not only was Bannon spreading smear stories about Jared & Ivanka, he was also running scams using his White House access.
And by the way, those of you already tweeting at me "Bannon is rich, no way he'd be involved in a grift", what are you 12 years old?

You think it's about the MONEY? That rich grifters don't exist?

I'm touched by how naive you are.
Rich, incredibly wealthy men have been committing fraud to make more money all around you all your life and you never spotted that?

You're either pretending to be stupid or you actually are stupid.
I know Bannon's history in a way many of you don't because I not only researched him, I've had people tell me things in confidence they can't share publicly because everybody he screws over is forced to sign an NDA.

I've known since 2013 the guy is a snake.
"He's a snake with his uses."

"He's a snake that's on our side!"

"He's a snake that's helping!"


He can't change his nature. And as this case will reveal as it goes forward and the evidence comes out, he 'bit' thousands of MAGA donors.
Here's somebody with extensive experience on how much of a snake Steve Bannon is: https://twitter.com/DLoesch/status/1296467151214313472?s=20
Before defending Bannon, read the indictment for yourself at least.

This is the same kind of thing that got televangelist Jim Bakker sent to prison; raising money via wire [internet & TV/radio ads] for one stated purpose and then using it for something else.
The fake vendor trick is just one of the ways Conservative grifters manage to hide their under-the-table payments to themselves they don't want anybody to know about.

And it's reported Bannon stole over $1,000,000 for himself this way.
There was a prominent MAGA PAC that was using the fake vendor trick to pay it's officers thousands of dollars under the table. I helped expose that when it turned out the fake vendor they were using was a convicted felon running shell companies. https://twitter.com/drawandstrike/status/1153860337655013376?s=20
They finally closed their doors last year after being exposed.

And suing Q.

I'm not making that up. https://twitter.com/drawandstrike/status/1153860844884779008?s=20
So I wonder how that lawsuit is going? https://twitter.com/drawandstrike/status/1153861121465561088?s=20
Last aside about the fun MAGA COALITION days before I get back on the subject of Bannon:

Read this epic thread I did where @Gingrich_of_PA and his merry crew were exposed: https://twitter.com/drawandstrike/status/1132471335366610946?s=20
I **hate** Conservative grifters.

I never signed any 'gentleman's agreement' to zip my lip when I see somebody running a grift. While a lot of people on the Conservative book tour/self-promotion circuit go along to get along, I'm not a member of that club.
So Bannon and these 3 others are alleged to have used front companies and fake vendors to hide how they shuffled all this donor $$$ around to pay themselves under the table.

Remember, the prosecutors will have to prove this in court to get a conviction.
But note: they already showed **enough** of this evidence of fake front companies and fake vendor billing to hid the laundering of the donated money to get a grand jury to bring an indictment.
Reading the indictment, it looks like Kolfage got only so far along and then was facing having the donor account closed & watching all the millions collected so far ending up being refunded.

So he brought in professionals, Bannon & Badolato.
This right here details how Bannon, Kolfage, Badalato and Shea pulled this epic bait-and-switch:

If convicted, they're going away for a LONG TIME.
Oh man. They got it all. They have the paperwork from the front companies, the fake vendor billings, the emails, the text messages....

The text messages are especially damning.

They will be produced in court.
Yup. They used the old tried-and-true "fake vendor" trick to make under-the-table payments to hide where the donated money was actually going.
This is exactly how many of the fake scam PAC's that sprang up around the Tea Party drained it dry.

So no surprise many of the same people just sashayed in and set up shop around the MAGA movement & went back to their old tricks.
They knew the jig was up last October.

They immediately stopped playing shell games with the money, but it was too late
Yup, this is the exact same act of fraud that got televangelist Jim Bakker sent to prison.

Raising money via ads & then lying about what you did with it.
And then, having raised the money under false pretenses, they then laundered it to try to hide where the money went.

Understand: this is TWO federal crimes so far, not just one.
All the assets they accrued through this fraud have been seized through asset forfeiture.
Trump on what happened to Bannon & Co.: https://twitter.com/AKA_RealDirty/status/1296513107297284096?s=20
The Trump curse is real.

Don't ever doubt it.

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