We Build the Wall
Founded 2019

“Its advisory board includes politicians and activists with a hard-line stance on illegal immigration”

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/We_Build_The_Wall https://twitter.com/desderamona/status/1127202810120904705
“… In December 2018, Kolfage started an attempt to raise $1 billion via GoFundMe, initially called We Fund the Wall, for the construction of a border wall between the United States and Mexico.”


https://twitter.com/desderamona/status/1129801971903455232?s=21 https://twitter.com/desderamona/status/1129801971903455232
“… In an email to the Washington Post, Kolfage stated that he began the fundraiser as "political games from both parties" have been holding back funding for the wall. Within three days, over $9 million had been raised.”


https://twitter.com/desderamona/status/1129803157616373760?s=21 https://twitter.com/desderamona/status/1129803157616373760
“… In January 2019, Kolfage posted a message to the GoFundMe page that he had decided that raising money through a nonprofit would be more successful. A new 501(c)(4) nonprofit was created and called We Build The Wall Inc. through which Kolfage…”

https://twitter.com/desderamona/status/1129806010212933632?s=21 https://twitter.com/desderamona/status/1129806010212933632
“…plans to have segments of the wall privately constructed thru negotiations w/landowners along the border. GoFundMe however issued a statement after #Kolfage's statement that it would give refunds unless the donor chose to opt into the change…”

https://twitter.com/desderamona/status/1129807079617830913?s=21 https://twitter.com/desderamona/status/1129807079617830913
“…to where the donations would go.

By January 2019, … Kris #Kobach had joined #Kolfage's advisory board. Kobach said he was currently unpaid, but might take a paid position with Kolfage's organization.”


https://twitter.com/desderamona/status/1129809189314940928?s=21 https://twitter.com/desderamona/status/1129809189314940928
“… #Kobach indicated the biggest problems along the border were "litter and security." In a phone call between him and the president on January 23, 2019, Kobach said Trump endorsed the project saying, "...the project has my blessing…”

https://twitter.com/desderamona/status/1129809719076491266?s=21 https://twitter.com/desderamona/status/1129809719076491266
"...the project has my blessing, and you can tell the media that." As the money #Kolfage is accumulating is going to a 501c4, it could all be spent as "dark money" in political campaigns, w/next to no public reporting of expenditures required.”

👇🏻 Thread
https://twitter.com/desderamona/status/1129811299125334021?s=21 https://twitter.com/desderamona/status/1129811299125334021
“…Federal prosecutors filed criminal charges against one-time presidential aide Steve #Bannon & three others for allegedly taking money donated to help build a #wall along the southern border, authorities said Thursday.”…


https://twitter.com/desderamona/status/1138814856507854848?s=21 https://twitter.com/desderamona/status/1138814856507854848
“… The defendants' online crowdfunding campaign “We Build The #Wall” raised more than $25 million with #Kolfage "repeatedly and falsely assured the public that he would 'not take a penny in salary,' " prosecutors said in a statement.…”

https://twitter.com/desderamona/status/1138815482491019264?s=21 https://twitter.com/desderamona/status/1138815482491019264
“… #Bannon, Brian #Kolfage, Andrew #Badolato and Timothy Shea "and others orchestrated a scheme to defraud hundreds of thousands of donors," according to prosecutors in the Southern District of New York.”


https://twitter.com/desderamona/status/1138834378392592384?s=21 https://twitter.com/desderamona/status/1138834378392592384
“… #Bannon, through a non-profit organization under his control, received over $1 million from the fundraiser that he used to pay for hundreds of thousands of dollars in personal expenses and secretly pay #Kolfage, the indictment alleges.”

https://twitter.com/desderamona/status/897868223974182918?s=21 https://twitter.com/desderamona/status/897868223974182918
“…To conceal the payments to #Kolfage, #Bannon and the two other men allegedly devised a scheme to route payments from “We Build The Wall” thru Bannon’s non-profit & a shell company under Shea’s control…using fake invoices & sham “vendor” arrangements.”

https://twitter.com/desderamona/status/1129812745061318660?s=21 https://twitter.com/desderamona/status/1129812745061318660
“… millions of dollars, under the false pretense that all of that money would be spent on construction.”

https://twitter.com/desderamona/status/1096998754706702336?s=21 https://twitter.com/desderamona/status/1096998754706702336
“… #Bannon, co-founder of hard-right Breitbart News, was a divisive figure in Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign. He also served on the board of the now-shuttered data firm Cambridge Analytica, which harvested Facebook user data for political campaigns…”

https://twitter.com/desderamona/status/975367510987026434?s=21 https://twitter.com/desderamona/status/975367510987026434
“… In February 2019, #Bannon and #Kolfage were among some of Trump’s most ardent supporters to visit Texan border town McAllen to plot a way to build the #wall, after Congress refused to allocate the funds.”


https://twitter.com/desderamona/status/1096996636067315712?s=21 https://twitter.com/desderamona/status/1096996636067315712
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