1/ Overnight we've see new fire detected on the north-facing ridge above Sleepy Hollow just outside of Carmel Valley Village. Here's VIIRS looking north from the leading edge of the #CarmelFire
2/ Here's the same area but viewing to the south from Carmel Valley Village towards Sleepy Hollow. #CarmelFire
3/ Technically, Sleepy Hollow to Klondike Canyon is now Zone 7 of evacuations for the #CarmelFire. This morning's map show the fire line as having reached Rolling Ridge Road.

Map: https://maps.co.monterey.ca.us/portal/home/webmap/viewer.html?webmap=c57ed5f943d742999185bd7770b44399&extent=-121.7343,36.4292,-121.6505,36.4698
4/ The marine layer is making an effort to push in from the NW, which is reflected in relatively better air quality this morning ("unhealthy") compared to yesterday ("hazardous"). The visibility is better, and we can see SE towards the #CarmelFire, now just a mile away.
5/ Today's forecast looks like we've broken the recent heatwave and could have stronger onshore winds. The hourly forecast has that beginning at 3 pm PT. #CarmelFire

Forecast: https://forecast.weather.gov/MapClick.php?lat=36.4772&lon=-121.7269#.Xz58TmRKgWo
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