As we approach the @encodeclub Spark University Hackathon final, I wanted to case-study one of our judges' (Anton Bukov - @k06a) and @1inch. For me, they are the best example of how hackathons can uncover amazing startups and why investors should scout hacks more.
Between them, the 1inch team has competed in over 15 hackathons, the first I can see in crypto was @ETHBerlin in Sept 2018. Practically every month they would go to the biggest hackathon and compete. Here are their wins:
In Dec 2018, they competed at @ethsingapore by @ETHGlobal, Anton and Sergej ( @deacix). They built 'DepoSet' which allows users to buy/sell TokenSets for ETH in a single transaction. They won prizes from @Makerdao @setprotocol and @kyber.
ETH Berlin, @ETHSanFrancisco , @T_Labs , @ETHParis , ETH Berlin again and Torus 4 Everyone were all hackathons where they won *nothing*.

It's not just about the wins, it's about the hustle 🦾
Hackathons are an awesome way to get attention, users and investors. Play the % game, do every event going and grind your way to success 🚀

Goes without saying the awesome work by @TheRealKartik with @ETHGlobal and @notscottmoore with @gitcoin to put on so many hacks is 🔥
You can follow @anth0nybeaumont.
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