I finally got the chance to watch the entirety of the Showa Era Godzilla set (Thank you, @Criterion!) It was wonderful to revisit these movies again, ones that I've loved my whole life.

And though I don't dislike any of them, here's a loose ranking of all 15:
15. Ebirah, Horror of the Deep

Really like the cast in this one, and I think their dynamic is the most fun part about it. However, the film is also kind of a mess, and it's pretty obvious that this wasn't originally supposed to be a Godzilla movie (It was planned for KIng Kong.)
You have stuff like Godzilla being revived by lightning (his weakness and Kong's strength in King Kong vs Godzilla) and the monster villains being a lobster and a bird. Cool to see director Jun Fukuda's penchant for monster violence begin. Godzilla rips off his enemy's claws!
14. Godzilla Raids Again

Rushed into production after the success of the first one, and thus feels a little sloppy at times. Minoru Chiaki (of Seven Samurai fame) is the sympathetic standout as Kobayashi, but you sense that somewhere in the writing process, his arc got lost.
Underrated miniature work, though, and I like watching Tsuburaya and Honda work out the kinks of how to properly convey the monster's scale and power while still making the fights look cool and energetic.
13. Godzilla vs Gigan

Probably the biggest contrast between the first half and second half of a Godzilla movie. The last half is this huge, exciting, violent kaiju tag team match. The first half is droll characters and an uninteresting bug-man alien conspiracy.
As I mentioned, Jun Fukuda had his own brand of monster violence and it's on full display here. Gigan literally almost beats Godzilla's brains out. Also weird to see alien ace in the hole Ghidorah reduced to the lumbering sidekick of a monster duo.
12. Son of Godzilla

The second of two straight tropical island-set Godzilla films, this one works not because of any stellar human drama, but because it's just such a cool mix of monster cuteness and giant creepy insect action.
The end, with Godzilla and Minilla cuddling up in the snow is almost jarringly sentimental, but a very, very effective visual.
11. All Monsters Attack

This and Megalon are often pointed at as THE bad Godzilla films, but I don't think so. Though a ton of this is a 60s Godzilla clip show, and Gabara will likely never be anyone's favorite, its portrayal of a lonely kid growing up is kind.
Also listen to composer Kunio Miyauchi absolutely KILLING it with his groovy score! Such a different vibe from Ifukube or Masaru Sato, the Showa Godzilla music mainstays.
10. Godzilla vs Megalon

Serving as Mystery Science Theater 3000 fodder, I feel like Godzilla vs Megalon is everything that someone who hasn't ever seen a Godzilla movie thinks Godzilla movies are like.
It's a wild trip through nearly every trope that the series had established for itself in the previous few years, but it's inescapably fun.
9. King Kong vs Godzilla

Though undeniably wacky (Godzilla is weak to lightning? Didn't he just wade through those electrical towers, like, two movies ago?), it does say a few things about how we turn fear and human trauma into consumable media and has some good satirical bits.
This was made in the age of Rikidozan, the pro wrestler who made the business extremely popular in Japan and became a national hero of sorts. So the whole brawl is set up like a wrestling match, with a double countout finish. Also love the lizard-like Godzilla suit here.
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