It is the reason most missions-minded folks don't have much interest in abolishing abortion: they suppose love is a means to an end rather than an end in itself. They think missions is about evangelizing people, not loving them as Jesus loved.
But love is not a means to an end; it is an end in itself. We are not first to love people in order to “win them to Jesus”; we are first to love them because Christ loves them and wants us to love them, too.
When we see love as a means to an end rather than an end in itself, we reduce people to souls, and souls to “scalps for the Lord.” But if we love people as Jesus loves them, we seek their good even if they do not become Christians.
This is why many fail to see the unborn as a part of Christian missionary work. They reason that since these little ones aren't evangelizable, they do not constitute a “mission field”.
They could not be more wrong. The work of missions is not to give the words of God so much as the Word of God; not verses of Scripture only, but the Author of Scripture Himself, Christ Jesus.
We give the living Christ to the preborn when we give them love, for God is Love. To the preborn, advocacy of abolitionists is love, the love of Jesus; indeed, the only love most of them will ever receive in this life.
We fulfill the work of a true missionary when we love not first as a means to an end, but as an end in itself. Thus, the preborn are as much of a mission field as any other unreached people group.

~ Abolitionist Rolley Haggard
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