Short thread.

Nick Tilsen @NickTilsen founder of @ndncollective & citizen of the Oglala Lakota Nation was PEACEFULLY arrested while sitting in a road leading to Mt. Rushmore on July 3rd protesting the President

He was initially charged with TWO felonies and 3 misdemeanours.
While those charges were already suspicious in their weight (2 felonies that carry up to 25 years) in the past 24 hours the State of South Dakota has ADDED a Felony charge.

For protesting on a road that may very well belong to the tribes already — @NickTilsen is now facing:
Felony; Second Degree Robbery
Felony; Grand Theft
Felony; Simple Assault on a LE/PO
& following misdemeanours;
Impeding Highway
Unlawful Assembly
Disorderly Conduct
The State contends that during the protest an officer had a riot shield taken from her.

That the act of the shield being taken was a “threat to the physical safety” of the officer “with or without the actual ability” to harm.

@NickTilsen is now facing 3 Felony charges.
America has a long and documented history of over charging Native Americans.

A long and documented history of creating political prisoners of Native Americans.

& a long and documented history of degradation ESPECIALLY to those living on the Pine Ridge Reservation.
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