First semester freshman year I had epsilon-delta calculus with Eli Stein. The course was great except the TA, a guy named Rami Shakarchi, was such a jerk*, taking off points for all kinds of stupid, minor things.

When I moved to grad school and started ...

* keep reading please
2/ unpacking my old notes from college, for some reason I started leafing through these old homework assignments, just to reminisce.

What the *hell* did I write here? This makes absolutely no sense! And here I reversed epsilon/delta. The ideas were right, but the execution all
3/ wrong! Wow, Rami was SO nice; I would've taken off way more points for this garbage!

Mathematics is a language. Don't get frustrated if you don't know how to speak it without a lot of practice! (Maybe I would've more immediately seen the errors of my ways if Lean was around)
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