Justice Karnan exposed the hypocrisy of brahmanical court & refused to kneel down before the oppressors & happily asked for penalty.

Today Bhushan did the same, only differences here is that he has mass support of civil society, lawyers, news agencies, students, writers etc. 1/7
At the time when Justice Karnan got incarcerated Bhushan was ‘glad’ that he got incarcerated yet unfortunately today he himself became the victim of that corrupt system. 2/7
From the time when Bhushan’s case started I’ve noticed people comparing these two respective cases and refusing to stand for Bhushan because he was glad when the dalit judge was the victim. 3/7
But sadly it’s also true that Justice Karnan didn’t got incarcerated because Bhushan, both of them are the victims of Brahmanical Court. So it’s necessary that people should focus to abolish brahmanical court rather than debating whether to stand with Karnan or Bhushan. 4/7
I’m all for Freedom of Speech and Expression whether its of Karnan or Bhushan, i don’t think it would be fair for someone to go to jail just because merely speaking against the authorities. 5/7
It’s also a truth that Bhushan’s caste privilege will going help him, but the fact is that people need to stand in solidarity to throw out this tyranny. I’m not asking to support Bhushan but we need to oppose the system & witch hunt of activists, writers, intellectuals etc. 6/7
Today Bhushan got incarcerated because he criticised corrupt Judges and we find it reason not to support him and eventually the brahmanical court will win, tomorrow again a dalit advocate or judge will be incarcerated and we won’t find another Bhushan to escape. 7/7
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