Hello @TAMU, I am writing you today to address an issue grabbing a lot of attention at the moment and is surely causing you some headaches.

As a Texan, I have always admired A&M as a school which represented the best of Texas independence, capability and work ethic. ~1/9
Hello @TAMU ~ I admire the subtle humor as displayed by some of your alumni with the “most likely intentional” confusing spaghetti bowl designs of highways around the longhorn bastion of Austin.

But today I am writing you to support true academic excellence. ~ 2/9
Hello @TAMU ~ You have one of the foremost experts in the field of nautical archaeology in the world working as the director at the Steffy ShipsLab. His knowledge and ability to impart said knowledge with his students and colleagues is unparalleled. ~ 3/9
Hello @TAMU ~ His concepts of how we should be sharing data with everyone, how we need to build a framework for this cooperation with others and his organization of this sharing make him a leader without equal and is therefore progressing the mission statement of TAMU ~ 4/9
Hello @TAMU ~ internationally. His commitment to his profession is unquestioned and his inclusivity complete.

While there are calls for his removal in these overly charged and politicized times, those calling for said removal are highly biased against him and anyone ~5/9
Hello @TAMU ~ not sharing their political beliefs. They profess to be open, unbiased, supportive of the constitution yet wish you to terminate someone for using his 1st Amendment rights.

While I may or may not agree with him for his statements, I went to war to protect ~ 6/9
Hello @TAMU ~ his (and your) right to express what he wishes and expect you and every American to do the same. To terminate him because of these calls is to fall victim of intimidation and surrender you impartiality as an institution. If you do fail to show the intestinal ~ 7/9
Hello @TAMU ~ fortitude and do bow to the pressure, tomorrow what will they ask you to do? Expel a student for being not white enough, for being homosexual, for being Islamitic, for being not religious enough? ~ 8/9
Hello @TAMU ~ I do not envy your task as I know community pressure can be tough but the only correct path for you is clear. Godspeed with that decision and please continue to support academic excellence. 9/9
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