One thing to notice about Democrats.
Just make a mental note how they say "our country," "our democracy," "our institutions," etc., in contrast to how little they say "America," "American Democracy," "America's Institutions", etc.
They do not consider America their country.
Their country is some hypothetical global/cosmopolitan society.
They hate the idea that the United States is an exceptionally great nation.
They always talk about *fundamentally* transforming the US.
You don't love something if you want to FUNDAMENTALLY change it.
"Fundamentally change" means to alter its very nature. Make it unrecognizable. Change the foundations.

They accuse the GOP of "attacking our institutions" (note: not American Institutions), but you can't fundamentally change a nation if you leave its institutions intact.
The lesson here is the US Left plays with words. Example:
Bill Clinton deceived by telling the truth with word games
(verbatim "I did not have sex with that woman. Monica Lewinsky." He thought of another woman for the first sentence, then added her name to SOUND like denial)
He was merely the grandmaster of how the Left uses language to manipulate and deceive.
They editorialize in the news with things like "but some say", which lets the reporter inject their own opinion and "this comes at a time", which lets them change the topic to what they prefer.
In the same way, you have to look for their admissions and tells.

And one of their huge ones is "our".

Because they don't clearly define who is included in "our".
They call anyone who opposes their agenda Nazis or fascist. Of course they wouldn't include fascist Nazies in their concept of "us".

That allows them to think of their own Utopia when they make claims about their nation, their democracy, their institutions.
Here's the proof that they hate the United States:

They have been changing the US for decades. They got legalized widespread abortion. They got diversity quotas. They got sanctuary cities. They prevent voter ID. They got gay marriage.
They got most of these without winning votes
but are they happy?
They *still* want to fundamentally transform the United States into their vision of a perfect Socialist state.
If they got every single thing they are currently pushing for in their platform, would they relax and say, "we made it! We're a good nation now!"

Of course not. There are always new grievances.
There will ALWAYS be new grievances.
The US Left are essentially unhappy people trying to fix their unhappiness by either getting revenge on the people they blame for their unhappiness, or by obtaining control over other people's lives, or both.
They are the party that promises Big Govt can fix every problem in your life.
And then they make sure your life has problems that they can promise to fix.

Govt assistance is probably more likely to sound attractive to someone who just had their business looted and burned.
It's a variation of Cloward-Piven. But instead of overwhelming institutions so they break down and Socialism sounds good, they are ruining systems and protections so that Democrat promises sound good. Once they get the power, they'll impose Socialism, anyway.
That's where my formulation: Happy People Don't Vote Democrat comes from.

If you are happy with your life, you don't need Big Govt, you don't *want* Big Govt. You feel confident that whatever comes up, you can work through it, because you have ability and resources.
But if you lack confidence you could handle an unexpected $500 expense, you are much more likely to vote for the Party that talks about erasing debt, about providing "free" health care, that talks about sending every family $1k/month "just to help".
Democrat policies have destroyed the black family, which has destroyed institutions within the black community that facilitated success and independence.
Democrat policies always make things worse, like AB5 in California.
They put people closer to the edge, so that a $500 "gift" from the govt sounds like a good idea.

They use word games to make you think that money just exists in the govt and belongs to the Govt, i.e., Democrats.
They hide that every dollar the Democrats promise to you comes from a taxpayer, and probably you yourself.

They try to buy your vote with your own money.
COVID-19 is nothing more than just another Cloward-Piven move.

Lockdowns, masks, restrictions: all are designed to overwhelm the structural support of families and communities so that we will be more eager to receive govt support.
And it worked.

The GOP is eager to hand out checks. GOP voters are eager to receive them.
The more fear, the more distress, the more anger, the more worry there is, the more people will vote Democrat.

Because Everyone is a Progressive when it comes to their biggest financial fear/worry.
When it gets to the point people are spending govt checks, it's too late.

It's gotta start way upstream from that.

One of the farther upstream points is in Dems' complaints and promises, and the word games they play.
Call them out when they use "our". Make them explain which institutions, which Democracy, which nation they are talking about.
Ask them why they don't say America or even just the United States.
Expose their fundamental deceit.
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