So @AndrewVCuff's opened up can of worms. Last night he questioned our use of therabands, should we fund the use?
My immediate answer: No, we shouldn't.

Rather than blurt that response I thought I'd dig into my reasons, which has sent me down a massive rabbit hole...

I've ended up questioning why we prescribe exercise at all in MSK practice.
Most patients presenting to primary care MSK do so with two main things we can help with. Disability and Pain.
Addressing disability:
Rehabilitation from disability is a journey from avoidance to normal behavior. Avoidant behavior is often founded by fear avoidance or social change.
I don't see exercise as a great way of dealing with this. Exercise is great, just maybe not here.
I feel giving permission and opportunity to do normal stuff with support and reassurance is the best way to help 'reverse' disability.

So unless a person needs to use bands or values theraband workouts I wont use it as a tool in their rehab.
Addressing pain:
Honestly I'm not sure why exercise helps with pain, or even if it does. Certainly I'm not sure pain relief during/post exercise can be attributed to exercise.
So I think it's rare for a person to actually need exercise to address the reasons why they present to MSK clinics, rather they need to practice whats valuable and normal for them with support and guidance.
I actually feel MSK clinicians often prescribe exercise out of a feeling of duty, culture and expectation.

Let's face it, selling the message that 'getting back to normal is sensible' and nothing else seems a bit hollow. It's uncomfortable. Therabands &...
exercise software offers a nice escape out of facing that sense of unease.

When I left university I felt that unease for a good 2/3 years, trying to add to this 'toolbelt' people kept talking about. So I bought belts, IASTM tools, learnt movement screen
I started to realize the more I am involved in someones life or the more things I add into their world (bands, aids, braces) the further from 'normal' I'm taking them.

If the main thing we can help with is disability: less=more.
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