When a person couldn't get to the tiny post office, the 24-year-old postmaster would carry the letter to their home himself, sometimes putting it inside his hat to protect it from the elements.
Abraham Lincoln was like that.
https://www.nationalgeographic.com/history/2020/08/famous-americans-delivered-mail-postal-service/ #USPS
It changed his life. "My confidence soared," writer Richard Wright said about getting a temporary job at 20 as a postal worker. “I earned seventy cents an hour and I went to bed each night now with a full stomach.” https://www.nationalgeographic.com/history/2020/08/famous-americans-delivered-mail-postal-service/ #USPS
For a while, Shirley Babashoff was the fastest woman swimmer in the world. The Olympic gold medalist held her own against bulked-up, steroid-laden East Germans. Afterward, she spent 3 decades delivering mail to her fellow Californians. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/history/2020/08/famous-americans-delivered-mail-postal-service/ #USPS
As a young postal carrier, John Prine would wheel kids around in his nearly empty postal bag at the end of his route. He would say hello in there to nursing home residents who eagerly awaiting their mail. And he would write songs. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/history/2020/08/famous-americans-delivered-mail-postal-service/ #USPS
Not everyone was cut out for the Postal Service. William Faulkner was fired after he made people fish through a garbage barrel for their mail. His family was amused at the irony when the #USPS, decades later, issued a commemorative stamp. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/history/2020/08/famous-americans-delivered-mail-postal-service/
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