tw// mention of r*pe

i watched this ted talk on "it matters why you think rape is wrong" and it actually applies to a lot of things.
"it matters why you think rape is wrong" this implies that thinking rape is wrong is not enough. it matters WHY you feel it is wrong. for instance, if you think it's wrong bec the rapist would face serious consequences, you're a shitty person-
you HAVE to think rape is wrong bec you HAVE to respect somebody else's consent. you cannot say you're against rape and then reason it "bec it's not as fun, bec the rapists reputation will be ruined" it makes you a shitty person, for you're worried about the abuser and not victim
similarly, it matters why you feel there should be better laws for men. for instance, if you think that men should have better laws so they can stop bringing it up everytime, you're a shitty person. you HAVE to feel that men should have better laws bec-
they're humans too. bec they can be rape and assaulted too. bec their mental health matters too.
similarly, it matters why you think that people from LGBTQ community should not be shamed. for instance, you cannot want lesbian relationships to be normalised bec that's your fetish. you HAVE to think that they should be normalised despite the fact how it's related to you.
it matters why you think trans people should not be shamed. you cannot ask others to not shame them bec they'll face consequences. you HAVE to not shame them bec they're people too. and you being cis men/women does not mean you're better than them.
similarly, you cannot say that n word is wrong bec everyone on the internet is saying that. you HAVE to know why it's wrong and you need to correct people, yes, but for the right reasons, not bec you want to look woke and act you're woke.
the bottom line is, you cannot just think that things are wrong. it's not enough. you need to understand WHY they're wrong. you need to understand how one thing affects the other and that pretending to be woke is NOT ENOUGH.
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