Churchills take is the best take on the JQ even today, but our mistake was in supporting Zionism. National Jews should today be leading the charge against both Zionism and Bolshevism which destroy the spirit of integration of the diaspora with their nations.
We know how this ended the last time. Badly. The more things change, the more they stay the same.
Did the establishment of the Jewish state remove doubt about National loyalties? No. It just added another source of suspicion. Dual loyalty to Israel is a National security issue
Israel runs the strongest spy program there is on its own allies. They were caught bugging the Whitehouse recently and what happened. Nothing.
Look at the ranks of dual citizens in your National Security apparatuses, your media, your executive and tell me its no problem.
They make the CCPs attempts look weak. Whilst the Chinese tried for 5g, Israel already had access to all phone calls in the states through Verint and Narus. Its unreal.
Then you have the Jewish atheistic leaders of the revolutionary movements on the otherside. Whilst the right is all about supporting Israel no matter what, the Left is all about revolution within Nations as Churchill says they had been since the 18th C.
It is not the host nations that bring this upon themselves. Britain had a Jewish PM. Jews make extraordinary contributions to national life. It is so sad that there are so few vocal National Jews opposed to both sides.
Lets be real. Antisemitic attitudes arise when the loyalty of Jews to their Nations is questioned. The response to this is always 'shut it down'. That the power exists to do so successfully magnifies the Streissand affect. This is not good for Jews!
I am fearful that in the midst of revolution and counter revolution both anitsemites on the left and right will find common cause. The extremes are already at it. The Farakanites are just as antisemetic as any Neo Nazis for instance.
People in the centre who actively want to treat people as individuals not as racial groups are going to get worn down by this. Everyone with eyes can see the rank hypocrisy, and when they identify the source they tend to radicalize.
'What?! Other people see themselves as racially distinct and separate. My Liberal notions of equality no longer hold in the new normal.'
If you cant beat them (Anti SJW), join them (post BLM memes for social acceptance etc)
But when they realize that behind it all is the Jewish Revolutionary Spirit (See E.Michael Jones excellent book) what are they going to do if unbound by moral dogma? What happened in Germany, in Russia and in, is it 147 other countries throughout history? It is not pretty.
I actually care about the fate of Jews. I have very close secular Jewish family. I want just peace in Palestine and the Middle East and I want the Communists off the streets. Will any Jew stand up and call out their own? Will any Jew call for undivided loyalty to ones Nation?
Where are the National Diaspora Jews with no truck for either side whom Churchill supported? Those who want peace and harmony? Is there a way for the revolutionary spirit to cease?
You dont see such with Hindus or Sikhs.
I would love to hear my Jewish frens take on this.
Oh and I hate the word antisemite. I use it only because it is common parlance. It is a term weaponized to shut down any criticism of Jews be they secular or religious. I dont hold that many Jews today are actually Semitic, and there are many Semites who are not Jews.
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