National's Strike Raptor Border Security Force. they're advertising it w a pic of a US cop in a bullet-proof vest..& that's weird but it also made me wonder - where would they get these people for the Agency from? Turns out, by turning cops & soldiers into border control agents..
...I read the Nats policy doc &, at first, it seems like the Agency would just sit on top of the other agencies & coordinate but then it says they'll do the security & transport & draw staff from other agencies to do it - in other words, permanently pulling in cops & soldiers...
... converting trained soldiers & police into permanent security guards is obviously a dumb use of the training we've invested in them - the govt is only doing it temporarily right now because of lack of time, but the Nats border force is permanent...
..& it's not just security, it's policy on immigration, isolation, offshore testing, ports. disparate stuff currently being handled by expert agencies. they want to yoink staff out of each of them meaning eg border force & immigration would both be working on immigration policy..
... weirdly, despite having converted cops & soldiers & policy specialists lifted from across govt - this border protection agency would *only* be for public health threats. Customs, immigration etc would still have to run the border in conjunction with them

Messy. Chaotic. Dumb
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