1- The fact that the live music industry wasn’t even mentioned in last nights guidelines just says it all about how little musicians are valued in this country. When I was 19 I had to go to Liverpool to study music because there was NO course here at the time to support...
2- what I wanted to do, bimm Dublin didn’t exist. I was lucky enough to get a place in LIPA and I’m now £20k+ in debt from my degree. Something I’d never regret but it’s increasingly difficult to ever get your head above water In this country...
3- As a self employed musician and an extra kick in the teeth having our one bit of income taken away when shows planned are far safer than many restaurant, school, and mass 🙄 models. What’s the difference with cinemas and theatres compared to gigs?...
4- tell me one self employed person in this country who isn’t doing it purely because it’s their passion? I have SO many talented self employed friends. Theyre ALL on their bollox constantly but they love what they do and this government is LUCKY to have them push through the...
5- shit Because they love what they do. Inevitably adding to the richness in our city helping fill the shitty hotels that plummet through our communities and support the tourism industry. But I wondr how long they can take living in the box room depressed over financial worries..
6- And If your answer is “time to change career” or “get a proper job” try going without music, film, Netflix, magazines, websites etc and let me know how you get on.
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