Ooooooohhhh. Thank you FBI vault :)

Now we are onto your whiny “Anti Semitic” trash.

Ever wonder why every facet of our entire government along with sports and entertainment has been infiltrated by “a certain group”?

Ashkenazi ring a bell? How about Khazarian?
Now if your feelings get hurt easily or trounce around in America wearing an Israeli flag.... you probably want to do one of 2 things.

Put your big boy/girl pants on and understand that you have been lied to and want to learn how and why

Find a safe space, suck on your thumb and cry yourself to sleep.

Because this isn’t gonna get easier for anyone.

Anyone wonder why the first “peace deal” was between the UAE and Israel?

Because Trollius Maximus has them all by the balls. But first....
Seems like we have our 11.4 and one day early from our big day that is 10/28.
And further on, there’s a hand written memo to J Edgar Hoover, a past Director of the FBI (also one that dressed up like a girl..WTF is wrong with these morons?)
Here it is all typed out and marked as well.

Now why would there be such urgency that this book be read immediately and that the intelligence agencies be forewarned?
“Resulting Chaos”

Anyone happen to go out in public and notice ANYTHING differently than it was a year ago?

The wonderful world of opposites.

A mirrored lifestyle.

Not gonna lie.... this will be a VERY DEEP dive down the Rabbit Hole...
Here’s a bit more (the entire article is in the FBI vault release)

“Communism is a Jewish world mastery plot”

Their plan has been in effect since 1492 due to instructions by their “Grand Sanhedrin” of Constantinople...
Which is Istanbul in Turkey

Note the “Phallic worship” and the “All seeing eye” symbolism within the first 30-45 seconds.

Doorway shaped like a 🍆
Window has 👁
And also in case anyone thinks that any of this is “opinionated” just to conjure up hatred.... here’s a couple instances on why we stick straight to the research to form an educated hypothesis that clearly is up for debate at any time (sorry about the lil spill on 3 and few more)
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