Autism. As ever, brace yourselves.
Fresh new research from the Behaviourists. This, a PhD, a very high level of academic excellence, allegedly. I have taken the liberty of putting a red cross next to the disproved stuff on just this extract. Quick thread/
& no, we don't have 'social impairments' or lack of empathy. We have a genuinely different set of social communication skills. Anyone who hasn't followed the work of @milton_damian on double empathy, or the @cjcrompton team work on social skills, do so/
Turning to us 'lacking the capacity to ...take others' needs into consideration', that's absolute nonsense. In reality we are expected to speak only in another neurotype's language and live in almost permanent pain and exhaustion to please them, whilst they STILL find us lacking/
& in autistic cultures, it is often extremely rude to interrupt someone's flow of communication to bung your own stuff into the middle.
Thus, both parties are using *different* ways to pace a conversation and *both* parties consider one another rude. But we get 100% of the blame.
I wish that behaviourists were allowed to read outside of their own area.
I have no idea how any of them are ever going to get in the 21st Century, if they are only allowed to read the same errors, over and over.
It's a significant problem.
In reality, I am surrounded in life by autistic people of every kind. They are absolutely fabulous.
Any time our family has needed support, encouragement or practical help, they have been there. With love, with caring, with sharing.
The stereotypes in that paper are dehumanising
...and the Behaviourist approaches that come from that dehumanising make our lives worse, and worse.
Little wonder so many are now moving away from Behaviourism and into work that is up to date and inclusive, learning about culture and communication difference, eh?
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