I'm still really stuck on Prof Felt's claim that we have no sense organ for time, made in the #4SEASST2020 plenary last night. I'm sitting here at my desk and without looking at my clock I can tell you many things about the time gained through my senses.
It is daytime - I can see the sun. It is morning - I can see it is in the east. It is not winter - I can see that the sun is not moving close to the horizon. It is late summer - I can see/smell/feel the ripe fruit on my fruit trees.
I can smell/hear more traffic so it is probably around 'rush hour'. I'm not feeling hungry, so I know it's not lunchtime or snack time or second breakfast time. I can see/feel the wrinkles on my hands so I know I'm older than I used to be. This just things off the top of my head
Time is only insensible when we conflate UTC or similar with really real time...
Had some good discussions with @emilflato & @L_borgesius about what is at stake in our continuing claims that time is intangible or ineffable. I believe it makes is harder to see time as an 'dimension of intervention', as one of the participants in the Q&A mentioned
And just to clarify here, Felt did say that for her clock time as a specific form of time is different to 'generic' time (see 1:56:00 https://www.easst4s2020prague.org/sl/  for those registered), but then again the claim that we can't sense it is even more problematic.
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