Víctor Font (presidential candidate): "I said that I will dismiss Koeman even if we win the treble? Words have been put in my mouth. It's been taken out of context entirely." [sport]
Font: "We will come up with an interim solution. I really do want Koeman to succeed. And when Xavi will come, I'm sure he will find ways to incorporate Koeman's talents."
Font: "We have the entire project laid out, right from the sports vice president to the youth team coaches. 'Si al Futur' is the result of seven years of work, not a candidacy mounted six months before elections."
Font: "I respect and admire Koeman's strength for taking up this job right now. He is a legend and he has directly learned from Cruyff."
Font: "However, the change of coach does not solve the sporting, institutional and economic crisis that Barça is experiencing. The slate must be wiped clean, right from the top."
Font: "How is it possible for Koeman to work effectively with Ramon Planes, the man responsible for so many erratic transfers in recent seasons? Makes no sense."
Font: "Planes reports to Bartomeu directly, the man behind this mess. I consider this nonsense."
Font: "Bartomeu's interview on Barça TV? He is disconnected from reality. I don't know whether he lives in a parallel world or what. By not resigning, he has again put his interests ahead of Barça's."
Font: "Bartomeu made the decision to continue so that he can close the financial books and exempt himself & the board from recovering the losses suffered. Once again, it's selfish."
Font: "We have heard that through Sandro Rosell, the current board is trying to seed a continuity presidential candidate, someone like Jordi Roche or Joan Rosell."
Font: "Joining forces with Laporta? He is one of our greatest presidents and we both have very similar principles. However, we haven't considered it yet."
Font: "The way the Espai Barça project is being run is a sham. I remember Bartomeu said the new Palau will be ready by 2019. We are in 2020, and work hasn't even started."
Font: "Rosell said Barça doesn't need many sports sections? I disagree. In fact, we need more. We want to set up women's teams in all our sporting sections. He was just thinking about it in a financial sense."
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