#SupremeCourt starts hearing the criminal contempt case against adv Prashant Bhushan on the point of punishment to him.

Justices Arun Mishra, BR Gavai and Krishna Murari are part of the bench.
Sr adv Dushyant Dave starts by referring to review jurisdiction of the court and the plea by Bhushan to defer the punishment till the review petition is filed and decided.
"I have 30 days to file the review petition and the order (convicting Bhushan) can then be reviewed. So please defer this hearing today," argues Dave.

Justice Mishra retorts: "But this remedy is consequential. You can file a review after our final orders."
"Our judgment will be complete only after we deliver our final order on sentence. How can we stop constitutional orders. But we assure you that even in case of a punishment (jail term), it won't be affected till your review is decided," says #SupremeCourt.
#SupremeCourt clarifies even if Prashant Bhushan were to be given a jail term, it won't be given effect to till the review petition is decided.
Justice Gavai: "Why do you want to give an impression that you want to avoid these proceedings."

Dave: "And why my lordships want to give an impression that this bench wants to decide everything before Justice Arun Mishra retires."
Dave: "Then let the matter of punishment go to a different bench."

Gavai J: "Sorry. We won't accept that request."

Dave: Heavens aren't doing to fall if sentencing is deferred till the review is decided. It isn't necessary only for this bench to decide the quantum.

Mishra J: Suppose I weren't retiring. Should I have placed this matter before some other bench for deciding the sentence?
"It isn't never done like this. You are asking us to commit the impropriety by asking us to violate the principles how cases are decided in the Supreme Court. It has never been done," adds Justice Mishra.

Dave: "In the larger interest of people, in larger interest of this institution, the sentencing must be deferred. This can't be hurried like this."

Gavai J: "It was Dr Dhavan's statement on Aug 17 that review was ready to be filed.

Dave: "Ready but why should we file it now?"
Dave: Don't hold counsel to their statements. That won't be fair.wr also have a lot to say but we don't."

Gavai J: We have utmost respect for the bar but we also have to ensure utmost respect for the bench. Both institutions are equally important to us.

Attorney General KK Venugopal appears in the matter now.

Mishra J: Please don't address us on deferment of sentencing. We aren't inclined to hear you on that. Let them argue on sentencing first. We have kept the matter today for that purpose.
Dave: Ld Attorney had to wait for more than 4 hours on the last day.

Mishra J: Don't remind us. Do you think we aren't aware?

Dave: I am discharging my professional obligation.

Mishra J: Do you think we don't keep that in account?

Sr adv Rajeev Dhavan, for Bhushan: I am not going to ask for deferment. Let the judges' words be final. Mt Bhushan wants to make a statement.

Bhushan reads out: I am pained not because I can be punished but because I have been misunderstood.
#PrashantBhushan: I am disappointed that the court didn't even give me a copy of the complaint that was the basis

These two tweets represented my bonafide belief, expression of which should be permissible in any healthy democracy.
Higher principles must guide us all in these times. Failing to stand up would have been a dereliction of duty.

My tweets, I consider, was discharge of my highest duty.

Apologising would also be dereliction of my duty.
Inflict any penalty on me which the court considers to be an offence and I consider to be my bonafide duty: #Prashant
Dhavan, now arguing on the point of sentencing: #PrashantBhushan has given a detailed account of what he said, why he said.

I ride a Royal Enfield but when I ride it, I wear a mask. That's my passion.

Vijay Kurle's was a nastiest of cases by nastiest of people...but who is this person before the #SupremeCourt.

Along with Mr Anil Divan, Mr Bhushan created a forum for judicial accountability as they felt there is a need to disclose judicial corruption.

Dhavan submits from 2G to coal block, from Goa mining to PWC case, from FCRA funding to CVC selection case, all this were Prashant Bhushan's case.

"You must examine who is the person before this court."

Dhavan: You must see if this person is simply attacking the court or is he someone who is trying to bring about changes through administration of justice. And all these cases are pro bono.

When your judgment will reach academy, it will be severely criticised. Over 19 pages was cut and paste from Vijay Kurle's judgment.

Mishra J: Don't worry. We are open to fair criticism. We can take fair criticism.

Mishra J: We understand balancing..sometime it may happen out of zeal. But it can't happen every time. But Mr Dhavan, you ask only us to do the balancing. Where goes the balancing by the other side? Restraint has to be shown by everyone.

Mishra J: There is a lakshman rekha for everything. Why cross it? We welcome pursuing good cases in public interest but remember, it is now after conviction. And it is a serious thing. I haven't convicted anyone of contempt in 24 years as a judge. This is my first such order.
Dhavan: There is no substantiation of how these tweets have brought down the majesty of this court. One commentator said it is completely not understandable how two tweets can destroy the institution...Mr Bhushan wasn't even given a copy of the complaint.

Mishra J: We considered only tweets. There is not even a sentence that we considered. And you haven't disputed the content of your tweets. It was a suo motu matter after all.

Dhavan wants judges to read Bhushan's affidavit on justification of his tweets.

Gavai J: But this part wasn't read out to us by Mr Dave.

Dhavan: That's because it could have been embarrassing for the court.

Mishra J: If you want to read it, read it and we will deal with it. We will have to then see whether it is a defence or an aggravation. Think over it. Since we will have to then also decide if it is an aggravation.

Dhavan: Truth is an absolute defence. I can plead this at any stage of the proceedings. Even if I hadn't filed this affidavit, I can still claim truth as defense.

Dhavan takes name of one CJI from Bhushan's affidavit.

Mishra J asks Dhavan not to take names.

Dhavan: Hasn't Bhushan provided materials to show truth and his bonafide? That's the question.

People can disagree. When Bhushan said something about a CJI, I said he has gone mad. Everyone is entitled to disagree with what Bhushan to say.
Dhavan: These last six years have been very difficult for this court...for this country.

Mishra J: Let's confine to this case. These statements aren't required.

Dhavan: But that's what these tweets are about
Dhavan: Why a tweet that says historians will examine the last six years should be contempt?

Mishra J: Even those who want to be historians have to show some balance. And nobody is an astrologer. Who has seen tomorrow?

Mishra J: Freedom of speech isn't absolute..for anyone..to me, to press, to anyone.
We have to tell everyone that this is the line. No problem being an activist but we have to say this is the line.
Right or wrong, we have now found him guilty.

Justice Mishra addresses AG KK Venugopal, requests him to consider that what should be done when someone who has been convicted of contempt, says he has no remorse. Should we give him some time?

AG: Yes..that would be good. He has done tremendous good.

AG: This court may give him some time but knowing him for so many years, I can say he has done some tremendous good work.

Mishra J: But that can't allow anyone to cross the lakshman rekha. Also, it isn't about your personal knowledge about him but about law.
Gavai J to #PrashantBhushan: Do you want to reconsider your statement?

Bhushan: No. I don't want to reconsider it.

Mishra J: Okay. Then don't say tomorrow that we don't give you time to do so.
Bhushan: I may reconsider it if my lordships want but there won't be any substantial change. I don't want to waste my lordships time.

Mishra J: You better reconsider it. Don't just apply legal brain here.

Bhushan: I will consult my lawyers then. I will think over.
Mishra J: We don't want to delay the verdict. You reconsider it. We can give you 3-4 days to do it.

Dhavan: Mr Bhushan's statement has been supported by Justices Lodha, Joseph and Shah. Are they all in contempt now? They have all said procedure you followed was wrong. More than 10,000 people have supported Bhushan.
Mishra J: We gave our verdict in Sec 6 of Hindu Succession Act (giving equal coparcenary right to daughters). Everyone cooperated with us. The lawyers said we should decide it expeditiously.

Dhavan: That's one of the greatest judgements.
AG: I will request you not to punish #PrashantBhushan.

Mishra J: Please don't argue on merits of the case. Have we ever punished anyone in contempt without due procedure. We request you not to make comments without going through what he said in his reply.
Mishra J to AG Venugopal: You please first go through his reply. Consider if that's a defense or an aggravation. Read it and then tell us what we should do. Please address as as the Attorney General, an officer of this court.

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