Baseball isn’t a very welcoming place for the LGBTQ+ community.
There has yet to be an openly gay MLB player and ooo boy the reactions to pride night are something else. Not to mention how frequently homophobic language is tossed around online in arguments amongst fans.
I’ve also heard many stories about how casually players toss around homophobic slurs when teasing each other in the clubhouse.
So, please. Give us some time to be upset about this incident today. Allow us to feel strongly about it.
Because it isn’t just about this one asshole being caught on a hot mic, it’s about feeling like baseball doesn’t want us and that fucking sucks.
And please listen to LGBTQ+ folk when they talk about why some of the coverage of this has upset them.
Thank you!
Gonna add to this – how comfortable he felt saying that really illustrates how much of an issue this really is. He clearly was never concerned about using the language in front of his coworkers. And he didn’t just say it, he emphasized the word for impact.
They really need to do an internal review to see how common this is, because I can assure you this was not the first time he said it and he’s not the only person who does. And nobody has cared enough to do anything about it.
ALSO – their PR people really need to not put “this is not who I am” in these apology speeches. Yes it absolutely is who they are.
If you’re casually throwing around homophobic slurs, that’s who you are.
And don’t tell us you’re a Christian as a part of an apology either.
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