ELLEN POMPEO: a thread of everything that happened.
tw// racism, rape, cancer, abuse.
first of all, ellen pompeo is a white privileged actress, director and producer. she became the highest paid actress in a television drama series, earning more than $20 million a year with the new deal.
She’s married, and has three kids.
“gays, cakes and donuts!”
i don’t think this needs any explanation. this was pretty offensive to gay people.
ellen posted some tweets stating that reverse racism IS a thing, and that it actually exists.
“well racism comes in a lot of different forms, right?”
here, she was comparing being called a “white bitch” to YEARS and YEARS of segregation towards black people.
white people do not experience racism(and never will) because of the systemic relationship of power.
then she said that having a black husband and black kids, made her a target for racism; and then made fun of it trying to shade a “hater”
again, WHITE PEOPLE CANNOT EXPERIENCE RACISM. Racism exists within a hierarchical structure with power at its core. +
Racism only works because one group has power and other groups do not. And it is white people who historically (still do), hold the power when it comes to racial divides, thanks to centuries of eurocentric beliefs and structures that continue to privilege and centre whiteness.
she was talking about abuse and she said “i do think we[women] bear some responsibility. not all, but it takes two to tango for sure. that’s not to blame the victims, that’s just to say: i did go into a room with harvey weinstein”
this obviously upsetted many and many victims of abuse, harrasment and rape, because they shouldnt have gone through that situations, it was not their fault, but ellen made it seem that way. this brought back this unfotunate memories to them, and the least they expected was +
an apology, but instead this is what they got.
(sorry for the quality of the tweet thats the only pic i could get)
thats certainly, not an apology. she just excused herself from the whole thing by saying that "social media is not a healthy place to talk about topics this serious" (lets remember how she openly spoke about racism on twitter that is also a serious topic)
social media is, actually, the place where we SHOULD talk about these topics. this is were we should spread consciousness about them. but no, she decided not to.
talking about serious topics, she gave TERRIBLE advice about ovarian cancer on TV.
she gave terrible advice about ovarian cancer on TV. she even upsetted a lot of doctors.
this is why we need to hold her accountable and stop looking away.
if you have any more information, dm me and i'll add it
also, a lot of people have told me that ellen uses AAVE(african-american vernacular english), and that on set Jerrika asked her to stop using it but she didn’t listen. i’ve also heard that she tries to act black.
i don’t have screens or anything to support this but if u can +
find them send them to me so i can add those too!
she also says that she stands for women rights but she got two of them fired (jessica and sarah) because she was asking to get paid more money; and then hired two men as a replacement.
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