I think back on the post-election commentary from 2016 and I shake my head.

Hillary didn't work hard enough.

Hillary didn't go here or there.

Hillary didn't say this or she said too much of that.

Or, the best,
Hillary didn't fight.

Fuck. That's all she did was fight.

For 18 solid months she fought Wikileaks, Putin, the entire Republican apparatus, Sanders and his supporters, the media, and most of all Trump. And usually she did all of it by herself.

Not even most Democrats helped because too many saw 2020 as an opportunity.

Hell, she was even busy taking the blame for Biden's and Sanders' actual sins.

Sins that were, still, never brought to either man's table in earnest. Not then, and certainly not now.

The whole of the last two years have served as one big study in irony and hypocrisy.

I pray that historians will be able to pore over the evidence, the things we know and the things we don't, with more clarity, courage, fairness, and honesty than we have been. Because the world was shook at its foundations in 2016.

And it was shook by misogyny.

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