It's very easy with social media to feel jealous or left out. The grass always seems greener on the other side. It's not - and I wish we'd have more empathy for others, especially this year. Fir most, life is hard and the challenges we overcome define us. Here are some of mine:
I grew up poor. Bullied for hand-me-down clothes and clearance lunches. Medicated for ADHD because I was bored. Became overweight from stress and depression. Eventually homeschooled because I didn't interact with kids my age.
Worked 60 hour weeks at minimum wage jobs to put myself through college. Worked 60 hour weeks after to make ends meet. In grad school, I had to sleep at a church so I didn't freeze because my low rent apartment couldn't keep temps above 45 in winter.
The same church made sure I didn't starve by giving me free food on Sundays and the leftovers to last me a couple extra days. After graduating, I sacrificed pay for job security and moved 7 hours from my support system.
I got married and eventually tried to start a family. We've had two miscarriages, but have an incredible child. Complications after birth put us nearly 6,000 dollars in debt (with insurance), which we paid off after a year of intense budgeting.
We moved again, and now I return to my regular job of teaching next week in the middle of the pandemic. Surely we can relate on this last note? Have compassion for your fellow humans. We all go through some terrible things that shape us. Whatever you're going though, keep going.
Don't dwell on the hard things, because they made you who you are today. I believe challenges equip you to support others, and there is tremendous joy in that. I am still very privileged, but if you're struggling with similar things, I've been there and it gets better.
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