Here's a thread for your approval that shows how the world saw Chrystia Freeland economic opinion before she was an official 'liberal (say with a sneer)

Looking at you #CPC and all the conservative activist talking heads at the American owned Postmedia and G&M
She, along w/ Trudeau, are being attacked at every conceivable level. From the misogynistic, especially the misogynistic, to "She's has no Bay Street experience." Political bullshit, all of it.

I wonder if the struggling AB O&G worker knows, they're suffering b/c of Bay St.
The National Post thought she was great, before she was a 'liberal'

"Since the late ’80s, successive revolutions political, economic and technological have completely changed how capital is created. Globalization has ensured that the change is pandemic"
"These mega-rich...proclaim free market values yet lobby ...successfully to bend markets in their favour, devastating the traditional middle classes and dislocating social mobility....they're destroying the very things that gave birth to so many of them –to all our detriment."
For the socialist:

"Read it knowing what famous plutocrat Andrew Carnegie knew...“capitalists, required employers to drive the hardest possible bargain with workers.” This conflict, between the workers producing the wealth and the Carnegies taking it"
Personally I'm looking forward to this new power on the Canadian scene. She just might hand not only our wealth back to us, but she just might free us all of the yoke Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher put around our collective necks.
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