Liberals will literally have more pity for a greedy foreigner who gets himself killed chasing the bag than for a five year executed in his own neighborhood for the crime of being a kid.
Sick people imo. Not even politics related, it's just sickness.
I have so much contempt for people who have bleeding hearts for foreigners but disdain their neighbors.
As a foreigner, it makes me sick to be in a country full of people like that.
And I'm far, far from being alone in this.
Westerners have no idea what kind of disgusting vibes they put out. They'll never understand that their false sympathy is exactly what makes domestic jihadists so fuckin radical.
All the sane people in the world find this attitude disgusting. Doesn't matter whether they're from Africa or South America or Russia. They see it and it nauseates them.
If you have a frank conversation with them about it, they'll tell you all about it. But the thing is the proper etiquette isn't to have a frank conversation with them about it. In sane countries people tell foreigners mouthing off about how shitty their country is to stfu.
In China, someone might have CCP and have based politics but if you mouth off about Chinese governance to them they'll treat you as if you're insulting them and that's correct praxis.
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