Why is California experiencing blackouts? In a tweet: Policies that reward or mandate unreliable electricity from solar and wind and punish or outlaw reliable electricity from nuclear, natural gas, coal, or hydro. Here's a 4 tweet breakdown. (THREAD)
1: Electricity producers know how to produce enough reliable electricity for virtually any situation--certainly plenty for the heat wave CA has been experiencing this year. All you need to do is build enough reliable power plants: nuclear, natural gas, coal, or hydro.
2: But CA, attempting a mini-mini-Green New Deal, decided to mandate that a lot of the electricity generated in the state had to come from unreliable solar and wind electricity. This meant that we would become hugely dependent on reliable power plants from other states.
3: What happens to a state trying to rely on "unreliables" when there’s a regional heat wave? The wind dies down. The sun dies down daily. We need more electricity from the states with “reliables”--but they need more, too, so they send us less. Surprise...blackouts!
4: Every candidate who supports renewable mandates, let alone the Green New Deal or @JoeBiden Plan should be asked the question: How are you going to prevent the blackouts--or should we call them greenouts--that the mini-mini-Green New Deal caused in California?
To learn more about energy, environment, and climate, go to http://EnergyTalkingPoints.com . If you want to interview me about this topic, my DMs are open. The truth about CA needs to be told in advance of this crucial election.
You can follow @AlexEpstein.
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