I’ve mentioneed this before, but the day after the 2016 election, @BarackObama heard that a lot of folks were over in Josh Earnest’s office and were - well - pretty upset.

He invited us into the Oval Office, most of us junior and mid-level staffers. And then, get this...
He starts giving US a pep talk. Here he is - having killed himself for eight years getting America on the right track, having to be perfect, you know the deal... - and it’s his legacy on the line. But he’s thinking of us. Cheering us up.

I start crying.

He tells us...
“History doesn’t move in a straight line. It zigs and zags.” Now this felt like a really tough zag. And at this point I’m ugly crying.

He looks out the window. It had been raining that morning, which felt a little on the nose, but ok.

But suddenly it’s sunny.

And he says...
He wants to address the Americans people from the Rose Garden rather than the Cabinet Room. It’s more optimistic he says.

Then he goes around the room and hugs us.

That morning feels like yesterday - and a hundred years ago.

But I have to say...
This #DemConvention - and the promise of @JoeBiden and @KamalaHarris - well, it feels like another zag. A good one.

Oh, and I should mention, @JoeBiden stood at Obama’s side for his whole pep talk. I can’t wait until he’s back in that office.
Here’s that moment, captured by Pete Souza.
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