Kevin Warren's announcement today, backed publicly by Gene Smith, was made because Smith's repeated attempts with different proposals were shot down by Michigan President Mark Schlissel, who is being pressured from Michigan Govenor Gretchen Whitmer ( @GovWhitmer), per source.
Schlissel via @GovWhitmer told all of B1G that they will fight legally if season is restarted because they "WILL NOT PLAY", per source.
This is all a battle of lawyers but the B1G fall football season is still going to happen even if delayed because of legalities, per source.

More and more will be leaking out over next day or so.
Some Presidents and AD's are still pressing forward with fall plans even if Warren holds this up.

Still looking for some kind of resolution and announcement with where this goes by Friday, per source.
So in summation, your B1G is being delayed by Michigan. @GovWhitmer, Mark Schlissel, and commissioner Kevin Warren specifically holding it up, but legally, the B1G football season is going to happen in the fall.
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