a girl in my grade tried to murder me does that count https://twitter.com/lightskinpainx2/status/1293300847322058760
a message from a classmate re: this situation <3
oh so i guess everyone was expecting me to elaborate
OKAY SINCE Y’ALL WON’T LEAVE ME ALONE here’s what went down
so my high school had this thing called senior retreat where all the seniors (there were only like 80 of us) and some teachers went on basically a camping trip in the middle of nowhere for a long weekend
1. there was this one girl at my school who was super weird. she bred crickets in her locker, cut the head off of a dead cat and tried to bury it outside of the school, and
(TW: suicide) said she wanted to k*ll herself and ~dedicate~ it to somebody else at school
this is all stuff she did BEFORE senior retreat, i’m just laying the groundwork for her general personality
so a group of us decided that maybe she acts out bc she doesn’t have friends (i know we were giving her the benefit of the doubt) and we were like maybe we should be nice to her!
and she was telling us about how she got expelled from her old school for having sex with a teacher in the hallway (which was definitely not true but we were like oh ok fun!!)
and she said that if we told anyone she would have to kill us, and given all the weird stuff she had done we were like ok yeah we believe u we wont tell anyone!
but as the night went on she got more and more paranoid and was like “i know you told people i have to kill you” and we tried to diffuse the situation but she kept on sharpening knives and chanting in another language
she specifically said (and i have so many witnesses to this) that she loves the sound of knives
she also said we had to go in the woods with her for some sort of ceremony (?)
anyways we were freaked out so we told the teachers who were there and our guidance counselor said that “the only thing we can do now is pray”
i said girl i don’t think that’s the ONLY thing we can do... anyways they locked up all sharp objects and had an adult stay next to/near her at all times
but that didn’t stop her from coming into the cabin at night to “check on us” and chant, and then freak out because she couldn’t find any of the knives that had been locked up
anyways she eventually got “asked to leave the school” for all the crazy shit she did but her mom (who she also threatened to kill) payed for her to be able to walk at graduation
also worth mentioning that on the first day of bible class she tried to convert our religion teacher to satanism, so.
oh i almost forgot she tried to get us to take a blood oath to make sure we wouldn’t tell her secret and the reason she was suspicious of us was because we wouldn’t take the blood oath
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