I turn on MSNBC and the opening to the third night is just a bunch of Republicans saying that they won’t be voting for Trump, so this is why I have wine #DemConvention
KERRY WASHINGTON! My night has already gotten so much better 😍 #DemConvention
I am not against framing this election as a battle for the soul of our country, but I wish it were acknowledged that the fight is a lot bigger than Donald Trump #DemConvention
We have *never* had a clean soul. We are fighting the same fight that claimed King, that sterilized Fannie Lou Hamer, that overthrew a NC county elected government in the late 19th century (look it up), that burned Black Wall Street. Same people. #DemConvention
I don’t think we should easily forgive those who are *just now* fed up with the damage done by actively neglecting and denying which side of the fight they have been giving resources to #DemConvention
I'm running behind in commentary for technical reasons, but I obviously love Gabby Giffords and I'm always grateful to hear her voice speaking up for so many who have been touched by the horrors of gun violence. #DemConvention
I do appreciate the level of attention given to issues (especially considering what happened last cycle 👀), but Joe Biden has a credibility gap on his ability to speak to these issues. Which might be why there's a heavy lean on his conscience and character #DemConvention
It's not a problem to focus on character, but with the sheer scale of the changes that will be necessary to face down these challenges, I want to know that Biden has a strategy to implement those changes. #DemConvention
And to some degree, this is at the core of my frustration: is this messaging meeting the moment? We are a collapsed society on so many fronts. I have deep skepticism that a person whose first focus is winning over GOP votes will push forward enough. #DemConvention
I am gonna cry during this part about immigration, aren't I? (Granddaughter of immigrants on one side; enslaved Americans on the other) #DemConvention
Our immigration (not just our xenophobia) is completely unique. If I move to any other country in the world, right now, at 31, no amount of life lived there would make me Italian, or Peruvian, or South African. But if you come here, you can become American. #DemConvention
What we must do, as a country, as a polity, is make that process easier, become more welcoming, embrace the fullness of the human experience. People fight to come here. How blessed must a place be for that? #DemConvention
Look, as a Black American, I'm obviously a fatalist about a lot of our politics. But I have to believe that there's a way to make this experiment work and still give equity to Native peoples. Because if I don't believe that, there's no point to being here. #DemConvention
I'm just sobbing quietly in my soul during this women's segment #DemConvention
::sobs harder:: #DemConvention
I wish you were our President, Hillary Clinton, and I'm not even going to apologize for this even though everyone will treat me like an irrational fangirl for saying so #DemConvention
I mean, you told us what was going to happen and too many people (who are still in power and platformed now) told you and us that we were hysterical and irrational and would not give one inch to help us avoid this #DemConvention
Oh shit, Hillary just basically said he stole her election. (He did though, and we knew it almost immediately) #DemConvention
Watching her in white, the day after the centennial of women's suffrage, knowing that she should be in the WH right now: I feel broken and angry all over again. It shouldn't have been like this. #DemConvention
Nancy Pelosi is the most effective federal legislator in this country's history and she gets almost zero credit for this because she's a woman and everyone underestimates her or sets an impossible standard for her to meet #DemConvention
No one has ever held a caucus together like Nancy Pelosi. In the two years that Democrats had a sweep in the federal government, Pelosi sent more than 400 bills to the Senate. That was a record. Historic. #DemConvention
VAWA is a phenomenal piece of legislation. Joe gets full credit for it. #DemConvention
I'm just not going to forget the issues he has on the other side. My standards are higher than how Donald Trump treats women, sorry. #DemConvention
I'm getting some whiplash from the shift from DV to the economy. I just wish they had threaded it together with how much unpaid labor women are doing right now, and how much this downturn has specifically hurt women #DemConvention
Though, they are doing a great job spotlighting diverse business owners, showing that small business isn't just white midwesterners doing folksy things forever #DemConvention
Oh, Elizabeth Warren. I wanted to love you so, so much. #DemConvention
I like the choice to have her spotlight childcare when that was her central plank. And especially when we're in the midst of the biggest childcare crisis in modern memory. #DemConvention
I still wish that Warren had been able to talk about how deeply unfair our economy is. She's so good at explaining exactly how the system is built for pain #DemConvention
Oh look, an actual President 😭 #DemConvention
My feelings about Obama are so complicated, but damn, I missed this. He is so incredibly talented, so thoughtful. He didn't deserve to be followed by this. #DemConvention
Joe Biden will be, by far, the most "normal" white guy to be in the office since Harry Truman. #DemConvention
I dunno if being a "normal white guy" is good, but at least it isn't the worst thing that could happen. (This is me trying to hype myself up.) #DemConvention
Joe Biden wanted to partition Iraq into three ethnostates and used his position as Chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Cmte to accommodate rather than stymie the Bush-designed Iraq War. I wouldn't tout his FP experience, but that's just me #DemConvention
Well at least Obama is directly addressing the fact that Trump has enablers and they're also complete liars vis a vis principles and values #DemConvention
The physical abuse heaped on Black teenagers and children integrating public spaces is within living memory. A significant number of those children qualified for Social Security just a few years ago. #DemConvention
I'm not going to lie, the concept of the republic itself does need defense. And for all those who (rightly) scoff, I say that we must remember that if this republic falls, it is not likely to be replaced by something fairer or more representative #DemConvention
Gwen Ifill 😭 #DemConvention
This is a sweet intro video for Kamala, and it's a great opener for her speech. #DemConvention
We're all going to be repeating "I know a predator when I see one" tomorrow #DemConvention
Ooh: "this virus has no eyes, and yet it knows how we see each other" and "there is no vaccine for racism" are great lines #DemConvention
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