I'm a Canadian, and basically politically independent. I am here to tell my American friends that, after staying as objective as I possibly can, the GOP, at least the Tucker Carlson wing of it, is FAR and AWAY more ethical and better a group than the insane dems. Sorry, it's true
And I wish with all my heart that there was a genuine challenge to the dems' corruption in some 3rd party option. But 2 things become clear: None are willing to actually challenge the dems insanity, and none are a true coalition of the left/right 99%, bc if they were, they'd win!
This leaves me supporting only two individuals that have bravely confounded both the left AND the right wings of the duopoly. Who has taken the most hate this year from the establishment? Tulsi....and Trump.
Tulsi cannot go back on her word, so for this year, she's done.
I believe the only way to pave the path for Tulsi's 2024 run is to help Trump expose the dems. Maybe I'm nuts, but I don't see any other option, personally. He hasn't started any new wars, he's made some good decisions, including his recent executive orders....
I don't tell ppl how 2 vote, but I want them 2 vote fully informed-free of mainstream media's brainwashing. Trump hasn't done too bad a job. My heart is with Tulsi's run next time around, but in the meantime, I'd rather support someone who is willing 2 take the hate of the estab.
I welcome your thoughts.....
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