I can, my friend. And it will be worse than the first.

A preview: allies who have been waiting to see if the America they knew & trusted is gone for good and will look elsewhere in the world for security partnerships... https://twitter.com/rinaindc/status/1296240766096998400
...Americans will be less safe from foreign security threats because the president doesn’t receive intelligence briefings and doesn’t put the interests and safety of the country first...
...Americans will be less safe in their communities because the president is encouraging and fomenting division between citizens and law enforcement...
...a generation of American young adults will face bleak employment prospects in light of a tanking economy that does not recover from the strains of the mishandled pandemic...
...Americans will be increasingly angrier, uglier and polarized, because the president thrives on dividing Americans by race and ethnicity and religion and education and profession and every other category he can exploit...
...more families will lose loved ones unnecessarily because not only is the president incapable of leading a national pendemic strategy, but he stands in the way of the proper functioning of government...
Americans will lose faith in their institutions - like the Justice Dept, intel community, judiciary and more because he will have four more years to abuse them, undermine them and drain them of competent leadership...
...i could go on.
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