New study shows that "secondary attack rates" for asymptomatic carriers of C19 are about .3%.

Since you can't have a .3 person, this means that roughly 1/333 people an asymptomatic carrier comes in contact with will catch COVID....(1/4)
@subsix848 calculated that with an IFR of .5, it would take 67,000 asymptomatic people walking around to result in 1 COVID fatality...(2/5)
Given that younger, healthier people are those most likely to be asymptomatic, & they generally come in contact w/ other young, healthy people & 70% of deaths have been in nursing homes, let's experiment w/ taking the IFR down to .05, making it twice as deadly as the flu...(3/5)
That would mean that it would take 667K asymptomatic people walking around to result in 1 COVID death.

There are only 24 cities in the US with populations that large...(4/5) 
This is napkin math based on one study, guys, and obviously subject to individual variables, but the point is that it's non-sensical to set the bar this high for "safety" & imposition of mandated restrictions.

Someone needs to inject some common sense into policy-making.
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