I advise you to read through this thread, as it doesn’t take long and you can make an impact with this knowledge. More stomachs could be fed.
So, in our day and age we tend to not realize how important it is to save our food. Around 1/3 of our food worldwide goes to waste, and this is more than enough to feed the entire population. The average household spends $1500 monthly on food that never gets eaten.
Not only is food wastage a social and humanitarian issue, it’s a environmental one as well. When we waste food, we waste the energy and water it takes to grow, harvest, transport, and package it. Food goes to landfills and produces methane,a gas directly related to global warming
As our population grows, our concern should be to feed everyone, not to produce more. There are plenty of ways we can make an impact. One person can make a very significant impact, so it starts with us.
What you can do
- Plan your purchases: try to eat leftovers, and avoid unnecessary purchases. Take what you know you will consume
- being creative with leftovers
- blend, bake and boil fruits and veggies
- take note of expiration dates, try to use them before they expire
- compost scraps for gardening
- donate food
- purchase smaller proportions
- purchase the “ugly” fruits and veggies: many products go to waste simply because they look different, even though they hold the same properties and taste
If you would like to donate, research food banks near you. Or you can use some of these links.
Thank you so much for reading this thread!
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