The statement from Facebook in your #5 tweet is a hamfisted, pitiful attempt at both-sidesism. I am not aware of the reach of IGD and Crimthinc on the FB platform, but I suspect that Facebook is not their main avenue of outreach so I hope that ... 1/4
..the practical damage from this action will be minimally disruptive. However, it is an incredible slap in the face to these organizations, both of which have painstakingly grown themselves from standalone websites - and in Crimethinc's case from zines - and which have ... 2/4
a long history of supporting anti-authoritarian, anti-oppression grassroots political movements without regard to "violence". Furthermore, Facebook continues to harbor numerous white supremacist groups on their platform, and still... 3/4
3 years + 1 wk later, FB has never taken responsibility for Unite the Right event being planned & propagandized on their platform. It is nothing short of shameful for them to now sit in judgment of the same groups & people who stood up against white supremacist violence that day.
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