Dreaming of a world where "Autism therapy" means

1. Figure out what the signals from your body mean (feelings, overload, a good stim, etc)

2. Figure out how to build time for the good sensory things, limit the bad ones, and access tools (e.g., ear protectors)

3. Figure out how to communicate access needs to other people (AAC, laminated cards, a script, etc)

4. Learn how to ask for clarification if you don't understand an instruction or phrase

5. Allistics and Autistics get interpersonal communication classes in K-12 that teach about conflict resolution, common misunderstandings, and that decenters Eurocentric modes of communication
6. Everyone learns what a social script is and that we all use them.

Everyone learns what stimming is and how it can be a helpful tool to self regulate
Probably some other stuff I'm forgetting too
And also probably stuff I don't know to add that would specifically help Autistic POC
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